Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Gravity: Movie Review

Gravity is an intense visual experience with great performances from Oscar winning actors and occasional silliness that can kill the momentum. Sandra Bullock brings her A game both in acting and in the physique department sending a clear message to young Hollywood lionesses that she is still the head huntress.
Clooney is as usual killing it for all us single guys with his suave persona and wine-like looks that seem to get better with age. His calm yet imposing demeanor makes him a good mentor figure, guiding Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) through an almost hopeless situation. The back and forth between the two was a pleasant distraction from impending disaster. Like in any disastrous situation, the experienced will calm and guide the rookies throughout the ordeal. The conversation between the two reveals a sad story of Ryan Stone’s life which made it easier to sympathize with her and root for her even more.
Gravity looks absolutely breathtaking and for the first time I sat through a 3D movie without headaches, or constant struggle between 3D and my actual glasses for space on the bridge of my nose. The movie does 3D right, creating an immersive environment in which dodging space debris almost feels instinctive. The ever presence of Earth in the backdrop is both scary and humbling, creating an odd sense of wonder and insignificance.

Gravity could have been a near perfect movie if it didn’t have some momentum killing moments. There were times where I had to tell myself that “it’s just a movie, so go with it”, and that’s where the movie lost me. Any time I have to tell myself “it’s just a movie” is when I start to dislike movies, and sadly Gravity is one of those movies. There is a limit to how much a movie should push a single scenario and in my humble opinion Gravity breaks that limit a few times. It’s hard to get back into a movie once you start to question the reality presented to you.
Overall, Gravity is a fun movie that will definitely get your heart going, have you dodging space debris and clinching your seat. Absolutely worth the watch even if it’s just for the amazing visuals. If you don’t like to do too much thinking and are looking for a fun immersive movie Gravity will not disappoint.