Friday, 19 September 2014

Oh Joy! 'Deadpool' movie set to release in 2016

Nerds rejoice, we're all getting a wonderful treat in 2016.

Everyone’s favorite cosplay from comic-con is coming to the big screen in 2016…. Again… And hopefully this time they won’t sew his mouth shut and give him laser eyes. God what a fu*k up Wolverine Origins was; but it’s been 5 years and that teaser trailer “leaked” blew everyone away. “Why wasn’t that Deadpool in the movie?” we all said. What the heck were they thinking? Well it looks like they heard us and we’ll be seeing a Deadpool movie sooner than we’d imagined. And since then X-Men franchise was rebooted/continued with First Class and Days of the Future Past, we might see a brand new origin plot unravel for Deadpool.

The whole reason for The Days of The Future Past was to reset the events of last three disappointing X-Men movies prior to First Class, while still maintaining the same-ish continuity.  In a way you can say that X-Men :The Laststand ,and the two Wolverine movies never happened (God if only they go back in time and stop these movies form being made in the first place).  Comic books use this tactic all the time, when they screw up majorly they either go back in time, jump dimensions, or have that one extremely powerful character to reset the whole thing.  It’s kind of a groin punch for us fans who spend time and money on these comics and movies only to be told that all that was for nothing.

Groin punches aside, the new X-Men movies were pretty damn awesome, but they were rated PG. You can’t do that with Deadpool, you just can’t. Deadpool is a violent, smut mouth, fourth wall breaking badass, you can’t make him PG. It would ruin the whole charm of the character.

Ryan Reynolds is returning as Deadpool and that’s not something thing we should be worried about. He was Deadpool in Wolverine Origin and I think he was pretty damn funny. It was what was done to him in the end of the movie that pissed everyone off. Reynolds has no trouble playing a wise cracking mercenary, I mean he does the whole wise cracking shtick pretty well; he makes a living out of it.  He has the energy and comedic timing to pull this off. The leaked footage was animated but hilariously clever, and if they can replicate that short video into a feature length movie I say we have a successful adult franchise on our hands.

In the end Fox has an amazing opportunity to make a superhero movie specifically geared to adults. It’s a risky venture since children are the driving force for block busters but making Deadpool PG is like neutering your prized dog. It just makes no sense.